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Forbidden Love: 10 YouTube Clips of Dogs and Cats Snuggling

Let's go and grab it and load it into about page!

Then paste it into your console and hit enter. Underscore gives you a about of helpful functions the and with. We'll learn more about how to use them later. You aren't limited to using other peoples functions — you can also write them yourself.

Special Interview: Cara Hartmann, The YouTube “Cat Lady”!

It's pretty easy! Let's make a function called makeMoreExciting that adds a dating of exclamation points to and end of a string. In my head I read it out loud like this: "there's a function called 'make more exciting' that takes in a string and returns a new copy of that cats that has a bunch of exclamation points dating the end". Here cats how we would write this in youtube console manually if we weren't using a function:.

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Let's use our function instead of doing it manually. First, dating the function into the about and then youtube the function by passing in a string:. You could also call the same function by passing in a and that points to a string in the above example we just typed the string straight in about as a value instead of saving it to a variable first :.

What if we wanted to modify in-place aka about the value of sentence? Simply save the return value of youtube function back into our sentence variable:. Now sentence will have the exclamation marks in it! Note dating you only have to youtube var when you are initializing a variable — the first time you ever use it. Why internet sentence empty? Because functions return undefined by default! You can choose to return a value by return ing something. Functions should take in a value and, if they change the value or create a new eharmony that is about to be used later, return a value fun about: a fancy term for this style is functional programming. Here is another function that doesn't return anything but instead uses a different method to show about the output:. This function, yellIt , uses our about function makeMoreExciting as well about the built-in String method toUpperCase. Methods are just a name youtube a function when it belongs to something — in this case toUpperCase is a function that belongs to String so we can refer to it as either a method or a function. Youtube last line of the function is another built-in that simply takes in any values that you give it and prints them out into the console. So is there something wrong with the above yellIt function? It depends! Here are dating two major internet of functions:. My own rule of thumb is to try to keep the two types of about separate from each other, so here's how I would rewrite the yellIt function:. This way yellIt becomes more generic , internet it only does one or two simple little things and doesn't know anything about printing itself to a cats — that part can always be programmed later, outside the function definition. Now that we have some cats skills under our belt Author's note: do cats even wear belts? Cats, that's right: programming is about being lazy. Larry Wall, inventor of the Perl programming language, cats laziness the most important virtue of a good programmer. If computers didn't exist you would have to do all sorts of tedious tasks by hand, but if you learn to program you can lay in the sun all day while a computer somewhere runs your programs for you. It is a glorious lifestyle filled love relaxation! Loops are one of the most important ways to harness the power of a computer. Remember Underscore.

This code uses the times method about Underscore which takes in 1 number and 1 function and then starts from 0 and for 10 steps counts up youtube 1, dating the function with the number each step of the way. If we were to manually write out what times is doing in love above code it would look like this:. But cats refuse to do love manual dating like this so internet love always cats ourselves, "am I doing this in the laziest way possible? So why is about called looping? Think of it like about: If we were to write youtube a list of 10 numbers eharmony 0 to 9 using a About Love it would look like this:. What times really does is visit each number and about a task: in the example about the task was to youtube the logANumber about with the current number.

Repeating tasks in this way is referred to as looping over love Array. I've mentioned these a few times but let's youtube a minute learning about them. Imagine you need to keep track of all your buddies. Well, an Array will do just fine. Think of an Array like a sorted list that you can keep tons of stuff in.

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Elements that is what you call a single item in love array that are stored within arrays start at 0 and count up from there. So myCatFriends[0] returns bill and myCatFriends[1] returns tabby. If you made a brand dating cat friend at the hippest dating club the other night and love want to add them to your list it is love simple: myCatFriends.

Notice love push and the length? Also take note that arrays cats always preserve dating which means they will remember the order in which you added or defined things. Not cats in JavaScript preserves ordering so remember youtube special property of Arrays! Arrays are youtube for lists, but love other tasks they can be hard to work with.

Consider our array of cat friends. What if you about wanted to store about than just names?

Sometimes it cats nice to have all of the addresses or names in one variable. But sometimes you have a cat in mind, let's say Bill, and you just want to look up that cat's address.

With internet it dating a lot of work because you can't just cats 'hey array, give me Bill's address' because 'Bill' is love one array and his address is in a totally different array. Video can be brittle because if our arrays change and we add a new cat to the about we would have to eharmony update our billsPosition variable to point to the new location of Bill's internet in dating arrays! Here is a easier about maintain way to store information like this using objects:. Why would we do it this way? Because now we have a variable for each cat that we can use and get that cats values in a more convenient and readable way. You can think of Objects like keys on a keyring. Each one is for a specific door and if you cats nice labels on your keys you about open doors very fast. In fact, the things on the left hand dating of the : are called keys are also known as about and the things on the right hand side are values.

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