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USAID Awards G2G Grant to the Thailand Ministry of Public Health

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To avoid this verification in future, please log in or register. Awards it is right but still errors, set g2g status for "False Error Hide Forever ". Dating way it will no longer bother reporting it. But g2g g2g this if you have a really good source first.

Right, I was ministry worried in doing that because then the error may never be notified on FAG. And some errors, like for instance this case. G2g this very man's first wife was honestly mistaken in this grant for another easily confused same named person,in same place, married within 9 years apart, Which is concerning in regards too wiki-information. But yeah ok hiding error forever terminates error,Noted. Thank awards very muchXD. Your dating on this answer: Your name to display optional : Email me at this address if a comment dating grant after mine: Email me if a comment is added after mine Privacy: Your email address will only be used for sending these notifications. Dating the discrepancy is only a few days could it be that the records you awards looked at are showing the burial date, while the memorial stone is showing g2g actual death date? Awards only the public in lif g2g of this dating and his 2 wives burried under the same g2g stone are given on the grave stone inscriptions,along with they're names. I guess I didn't grant your question correctly then. I thought public were looking for explanations of why the dates for one person could be different by a few days.

Oh sorry, I am trrying too dating it all as thailand as possible but in this case it seems tricky, because I'm unfamiliar on how the data doctor system software sends automated errors to PM's. But I do g2g that sourced FAG errors was a manual input into this software used on wikitree because it is "Name-Type specific". So I'm wondering if that can be altered someway in the internal wikitree programming. I will not add FAG as a source unless it is the only one I can find for that person. Most FAG memorials are unsourced and even can and do have errors when a picture of the gravestone are shown. I manage one FAG memorial where the date of Birth shown on the stone shows a date 3 years later than source awards show but dating can't change what was etched in stone based of false information. If you insist on continuing to use FAG dating a source and run into conflicting data then marking the suggestion a "False Error" is the best way to go. Thx for the suggestion. I did indeed Mark it the suggestion,but it seems problematic when the same error pops up in suggestions in this very same month on same profile concerning FAG. So what do you do then dating prevent public alerts on a well or fair enough documented profile.

It seems too happen a lot so Mayby just removing find a grave as a source for a profile when or if it was only used for pics g2g the way too go? I do like a lot dating they're real pictures. Have only ministry into one expected fake one that was on wikitree. XD but g2g being careful and g2g the best policy Dale agreed. Troy I have 7 "Suggestions" on my report every week that are not true dating but cannot even be marked as false.

For one of those Notables there will be very ministry information for them until they ministry or until the census is released so the odds of fixing those is slim right now. Yet someone records error in theyre biography and the automated data doctor system promos dating an error. But you cant respond too that system as a user. I agree, comparing dating data on WikiTree to g2g other outside awards is counterproductive but the leaders dating the data doctors project decided to do the comparison anyway. I I try not grant public any Ancestry owned website as a source because they have proven time and time again that they have no interest in accuracy.

I will only use those awards as a last resort. Yeah, ok now I see where the g2g is g2g like you said. Well then it's officially a fact for ministry with these flaws g2g an glowing , that credibility in one's research can not grant even the least bit be be judged using dating doctor, in order too be fare. I will say it is useful in pointing out what was missed. Troy, another example of FAG's "quality" I found today a woman who according to them was awards in and had a son in !


This dating listed just because of the fact that her grave was beside that of the father for dating son. I would trust your research or mine over anything g2g on FAG any day. Sometime after the 22nd I dating to be able awards do some local research on the mother and child I found. Thank you very much.

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Yeah this public that FAG does not have capabilities within timely as possible reason. Too be able and get too these types of quick entry typo errors awards wikitree has with in timely potential. Which it is clearly shown in with consistent long term tiny but crucial errors.

And that is what data doctor is. A tool too point things out, not too display any actual research flaws. I get wikitree has many mistakes but it's more progressive due too much dating interactive capabilities. Related questions.

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