deVine Thoughts

October 15, 2024

Discovering Some Interesting Italian Whites

Filed under: deVine's Daily Blog Article — Dirk @ 10:25 am


Author: Dirk Chan

There ares some very interesting white wines coming out of Italy these days, made from native grapes that a lot of us haven’t heard of or tasted before or acquainted with. Pecorino, Verdicchio, Falanghina, Grillo, Trebbiano and Catarratto are not exactly household names or the rather more famous international grapes. Thought we’d highlight some for you – both interesting and worthy of consideration and wonderful on the dining table. If you’re in an adventurous mode, look no further.

Pictured from left to right:

2023 Cantine Agriverde Riseis Pecorino (Abruzzi, Italy) – $33.99
2023 Bisci Verdicchio di Matelica (Marches, Italy) – $25.99
2022 Terenzuola Vermentino Bianco Vignebasse (Tuscany, Italy) – $30.99
2022 Mastroberardino Lacryma Christi del Vesuvio Bianco (Campania, Italy) – $28.99
2023 Tommasi Paternoster Vulcanico Falanghina (Basilicata, Italy) – $30.99

Other interesting whites not pictured:

2023 Agricola Giacomo Radica Trebbiano d’Abruzzo (Abruzzi, Italy) – $25.99
2022 Assuli Fiordiligi Grillo (Sicily, Italy) – $25.99
2021 Serafini & Vidotto Manzoni Bianco Montello e Colli Asolani (Veneto, Italy) – $28.99
2021 Feudo Montoni Catarratto del Masso (Sicily, Italy) – $41.99
2021 Pievalta San Paolo Verdicchio Classico Riserva (Marches, Italy) – $61.99

Prost everyone!

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